It’s been ‘game, set and wrap’ for budding young tennis players in North Tyneside this summer as they have combined racket skills with healthy eating.
NET 360 has been delivering summer holiday tennis camps for young people aged five up to 16 at Rockcliffe Bowling and Tennis Club in Whitley Bay. As well as learning sports such as tennis and bowls, every participant got to make their own healthy wrap for lunch.
The camp has been part of North Tyneside’s ‘ease INTO’ summer programme where children were invited to take advantage of a programme of activities created to help them be healthy and active while off school. Morrisons in Whitley Bay has also supported NET 360 by providing fruit and vegetables for the lunches.
Carlos Caldeira, who runs NET 360 and is a trained chef, has been teaching players on the camp all about nutrition and the importance of a good diet linked with exercise. Every lunchtime they put together their own wrap or pasta bowl and fruit bowl.
He said: “We run tennis camps every year during the summer holidays but being able to provide free lunches for everyone, and teach them about healthy eating, has been an absolute privilege.
“It’s so important to link nutrition and exercise and the impact it can have on your physical and mental well-being. The young people on our camps have loved getting stuck in and making their own lunches. They’ve been great at trying new things and we hope will try it out at home too.”
The camp has also introduced players to an exciting new sport called Street Racket, which has been developed in Switzerland. The game helps players develop fundamental skills for tennis without needing a net or formal court. You just chalk it out on the floor! Participants on the camp are among the first in the country to try out this new innovative and inclusive sport. Thanks to funding from the council’s ‘ease INTO’ programme, NET 360 has also been able to give away Street Racket sets to participants during the week.
To find out more visit or for more information about the ‘ease INTO’ programme:

Notes to editors:
For more information, interviews or images, please contact:
Emily James
Photo caption: pictured at the NET 360 tennis camp at Rockcliffe Bowling and Tennis Club is (from left to right): Kyra Weddle, Ellie Spitty, Carlos Caldeira (from NET 360), Sam Thompson and Dylan Hearn.
About NET 360 CIC
NET 360 CIC is the leading provider of high quality tennis-based sports activities in schools, clubs and parks in North Tyneside. Our main venues are Rockcliffe Bowls & Tennis Club and Beverley Park Lawn Tennis Club in Whitley Bay. We have been operating for over 20 years and work with over 600 young people during 30 hours of sports programmes a week.
About Street Racket
Street Racket has been developed in Switzerland and focuses on ball control and motor skills. It is taking the world by storm because it is accessible for all ages and abilities and is a low cost sport that can be played by ‘anyone, anytime, anywhere’. It’s simplicity and basic rules ensure everyone can succeed. It works on fundamental movement skills that provide a foundation to all sports. Our coaches have been across to Switzerland to meet the developer behind the sport to see and learn first hand how it is delivered in schools. We will be the first provider to introduce the sport to the North East.